Public education is a right available to all young people of school age in Montgomery County. It is provided at considerable expense to parents and other citizens of the county.
Student attendance is a cooperative effort among schools, parents, and students. To achieve optimum learning, good attendance by students K-12 is crucial. Tardies (check-ins) and early dismissals (checkouts) are disruptive to the instructional time of the entire class. Each parent or guardian is responsible for the student’s regular and punctual attendance.
Regular class attendance is considered by the Montgomery County School Board to be essential to the educational process and to the satisfactory completion of the requirements of any class and subject offered. Regular school attendance also is directly related to the development of good habits, which are important in the world of work and in higher education. A ninety-five percent (95%) or better attendance rate is the goal.
Morning announcements start at 9:10 a.m. They must be in class prior to the ringing of the tardy bell at 9:15 a.m. At this time attendance will be recorded. Any student arriving late should come to the office before proceeding to the classroom. Office staff will make appropriate changes on the attendance record in PowerSchool. An admittance slip will be given to the student to get to class.
Under advisement of the attendance policy, letters are sent by the administration of those students who are excessively absent or tardy. MCPS school board policy requires that a letter be sent when a child has missed 5, 10 and 15 days of school.